Monday, August 27, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ August 27, 2018 ~ Seeing Another's Danger

My transportation is a motorcycle, and last week after I got back from visiting at the jail I parked in the right place for Leah to catch a good look at my front tire when she got home. God graced her with noticing the bike instead of walking on by, and she saw that my front tire was shot. She told me, and I went and looked at it. Sure enough, it's starting to come apart, and now the bike is parked until I can special order a new tire (the downside to small town living).

Even those who don't ride can imagine how dangerous it would be for the front tire to come apart on a two-wheeled vehicle. I am so grateful that she saw it, because I hadn't noticed it. I walked by and or rode the bike daily, but I missed it. This could have been deadly at worst and very painful at best. Instead I  know and can take measured to correct the problem before the problem leads to destruction.

This is an example of why we need others involved with us in recovery and with our walk with God. Sometimes an issue can develop that we don't sense or see. It could be because it grows slowly and we don't see it. It could be that we are distracted by other aspects of life or are too close. But when we stay in relationship with others, they can spot issues that we might not see yet and point them out. I'm seeing this or that. When this happens, I strongly suggest taking a moment to examine the issue. Then, stop moving forward until God does what is needed to make moving safe again. This can save us much difficulty and pain down the road. And when we see areas of dangers in others, we can reach out in love and share that with them. It is part of bearing one another's burdens and building up and edifying our brothers and sisters. It's one of the ways we help keep us all healthy and why we are not called to walk with God in isolation.

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