Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ August 22, 2018 ~ The Impossible Climb

I love watching mountain climbing. It's amazing to me. I think it would be awesome to do what these people do, but not enough to actually put in the work to do it.  There is something about what they do that struck me today as a metaphor in recovery and discipleship.

First, on the more dangerous and difficult climbs, these athletes secure themselves. They use ropes to keep them safe. In faith and recovery, we have a tendency when we slip to condemn ourselves and feel like we've failed. Now we have to start all over and all that time and effort before is nullified and feels like a waste of time. But that is totally the wrong attitude.

Climbers fall. It's part of the process. They stretch and reach and lunge for hand holds and progress. Sometimes it doesn't work. They don't go all the way to the bottom. The rope catches them. They take a breath and try again. Sometimes they make an adaptation to the way that they are trying to go up the rock face. They evaluate the route and practice it in their minds and with their bodies. A route can take many tries to figure out the right sequence and location of grips to succeed. No one expects to just scoot up the mountain and having to backtrack a little or try again is part of learning and getting strong enough to make the climb. They don't dismiss the failures, or consider them wasted time and effort. It's part of the process and there's something to learn that will help them.

I watched this video earlier today, and around three minutes in I saw the greatest example of this as one of the best climbers in the world hung from his rope evaluating, thinking and trying the same move over and over. It truly is inspiring.

We have a safety rope on the climb of life and recovery. It's the Spirit. We can reach and stretch and try, because we know if we slip He will catch us. We're not about to die. We're safe in His arms. There are routes up that mountain that we don't see or understand at first, or aren't strong enough to make, but if we trust His care for us, we can continue to work and grow and learn, until by His grace we do what would be impossible on our own. We can make the impossible climb.

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