Monday, August 13, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ August 13, 2018 ~ Stuck In The Swing

Last week I saw a video on Facebook that some found hilarious while others found it highly offensive. I'm not going to go into who's right or wrong about that, because that isn't remotely the point of this. Someone had walked up on one of their sheep stuck in a tire swing. The sheep had stuck its head and front legs through the hole and not been able to get either all the way through or ease out backwards. Every time the person walked towards the sheep to help free it from the swing, the sheep, afraid and able to just barely touch back legs to the ground, would try to run.

The result of this is that it would run just far and fast enough that it could no longer reach the ground and would swing forward a little before swinging back. The person obviously couldn't keep from laughing, and watched until  the sheep quit moving and then walked forward again to try to free it. The sheep would run, loose contact with the ground and swing more. If the sheep would just stay still when approached, the owner could help it out of the swing, but in fear and panic it is doing only what will keep it stuck and in fear.

I couldn't help but wonder if the natural instinct to let fear drive it away from the only source of help and freedom is one of the reasons why we are compared to sheep. I am grateful that our Good Shepherd doesn't laugh at the predicaments that we get ourselves into, because there is no doubt that I act like that sheep all too often. First I stick my head somewhere it doesn't belong and get myself stuck. The more I try to escape the more helpless I become. Along comes the Shepherd to set me free and instead of trusting Him, I panic and run, making no progress and staying stuck. Fear fuels fear and the cycle continues until I am finally too worn out to run, at which point the Shepherd gently lets His Spirit comfort me as He eases me out of the place where I am stuck and into His arms. This is when I generally feel foolish. Why, oh why didn't I just let Him help me from the moment I got stuck?

Today, let us be quick to let the Shepherd set us free and not stay stuck running all out to nowhere. Let us remember that He cares for us. He is not laughing at us, nor is He angry. He only wants to set us free from the swings we are stuck in.

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