Friday, March 4, 2016

Unshackled Moments ~ March 4 ~ Fishing Lessons

Peter made his living fishing. He was good at it. He had more than one boat and men worked for him. In Luke 5 we see a time when he and his crew fished and fished with no success. They simply couldn't find any fish. Jesus told him to put his nets down on the other side of the boar. His response was since Jesus told him to do it, he would do it. And suddenly the nets were full.

This wasn't an area that Peter didn't have wisdom and experience dealing with. He knew what kind of difference a few feet could or couldn't make in those situations. If switching sides of the boat should have made a difference, he would have tried it. For all we know he had had tried it throughout the fruitless hours. But God spoke against his experience and his understanding of when the time had come to cut bait. He listened and obeyed and success followed.

It's easy when we are facing things we don't understand to look to God for guidance and direction. But there is a tendency not to look for instruction in the areas and events that we have knowledge and experience in. It's all too easy to ignore the still, small voice when it goes against what we know we should do or what will work. But God knows better than we do in every area, regardless of how much knowledge and experience we may have. God knows how to make things happen that go against the patterns of this realm. He wants us to listen to Him and obey, even when we may think we know better, especially when we think we know better. After all, Peter could have easily asked what a carpenter could possibly know about fishing that he, a professional, didn't know better. Things always work out better when we obey, even if we may think that it won't do any good.

Today let us be quick to listen and obey, even when it doesn't make sense or goes against what our understanding and experience tells us will happen. If we do that, we will be able to experience the miraculous.

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