Monday, June 17, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ June 17, 2019 ~ Don't Curse The Darkness

Have you ever been in a room so dark that you couldn't see anything at first, but after a few minutes what starts off as a faint glow seems to illuminate the entire room. The dot of light produced by a charging or power indicator on a phone, tablet or computer can drive some people crazy if they are trying to sleep. It seems like a little light house. Why do they make those tiny lights so bright? I turn my computer and tablet so that the lights are against the floor at night to keep from disturbing Leah. The phone goes face down.

But the thing is that those lights are barely visible in the light of day. They surely don't intrude upon the senses or force themselves on to our awareness. During the day, we have to look for the same light that we can't seem to escape in the dark.

This simple experience translates over from the physical realm to the spiritual and can give us a reason to be grateful for the darkness that surrounds us in the midst of bleak nights that may feel like they won't ever end. Oh those long nights are not fun. We cry for our Daddy and wonder why we don't see the approaching dawn. How many more hours or days or weeks will it be before the joy comes in the morning that follows the weeping that endures the night? But yes, even in those darkest moments of our lives there are things to be grateful for.

God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all (I John 1:5). As crazy as it sounds to say it, although we are surrounded by light and it illuminates our life and makes all that we are doing possible, we take the daylight for granted. There may be a wow it's bright out there today, and then we put on our shades and go about our business. But when evening falls we become more conscious of the need for what we took for granted during the day. Headlights and interior lights are turned on. And when the power fails in the storm and we're sitting in the dark we pray for the tiniest light to help us make it. In those dark times of the soul, it is easier to ignore the distractions around us and see the light of the Truth in front of us. The tiniest glimpse of truth that might not show up in the day time if we're not paying enough attention or looking for it can be a beacon of hope and a refreshing of the soul during the night.

Don't curse the darkness. It makes it easier to see the Light.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
June 17, 2016.

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