Monday, June 24, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ June 24, 2019 ~ I Can Do All Things

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

This is another one of those verses that seems to be a favorite of many. It is seen on many T-shirts, bumper stickers and memes on social media. It's a great verse, and people like the inspirational aspect of it. But I can't help but wonder how often the depths of its true meaning go unplumbed and misunderstood.

There is a group of body building ministers called The Power Team that goes from venue to venue performing feats of strength and preaching the gospel. I've seen them, and they're pretty cool They use this verse a lot, or at least they did when I saw them, And the way they used it, before a man rips a thick telephone book in half or bends a bar of steel, is the way most seem to use it. I can overcome this obstacle. I can do this great thing above and beyond my own ability through the power of Christ.

While I have no problem with The Power Team or the inspirational use of this verse to challenge people to climb that mountain in their life, using this verse as an overcoming verse is too limiting. It is so much more than that, and when we understand it, Philippians 4:13 is a great source of hope and encouragement. The problem with seeing this as an inspirational overcoming verse is that when we look at it like that, and only like that, what happens when we don't overcome the obstacle, can't move the mountain, when that bar of steel doesn't bend and the door doesn't open? What happens when the healing doesn't come? When the circumstance isn't defeated?

Does it mean we don't have enough faith? Does it mean that the power of Christ is not working in us? Is it, even worse, an indication that we're not really a child of God when we don't overcome the way that we wanted? No. It doesn't mean any of that, because this verse is not about overcoming circumstances and situations at all. Being full of faith and understanding this promise does not always mean one can get up out of wheel chair and walk, or fix this or that problem, or find the energy to run another mile.

A better translation than do all things is endure all things. The literal translation is that I am staying strong in all, abiding and invigorated by the anointing of Christ.  It's not a promise that we can overcome but that we can stay strong and be invigorated. And in all things means all things, in the good but also in the bad. I can stay strong and endure when I don't overcome as well as when I do. When the drought lasts longer than is comfortable, the crops begin to fail and the door doesn't open. I can keep the faith when deliverance from the pit takes decades rather than days, as it did for Joseph. I can walk with God and trust Him when things are going good and when they are going bad, in sickness as well as in health, in abundance and in poverty, 

This verse is not about overcoming or meeting our desires for comfort. It's not about earthly need. Sorry, but Paul flat out states that very truth. We can't just pull out verse 13 and act like it's a guarantee of worldly victory. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by the hand of a prisoner for goodness sake. Verse 13 should always be interpreted and utilized with verses 11 and 12, not separate from them. Even when they are not quoted, they need to be remembered. 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

Suffering need does not mean that faith is lacking or that we aren't cared for by God.  We do not have to lose hope when the situation doesn't change and the problem doesn't go away. We can have hope, not despite Philippians 4:13 but rather because of what it promises. We can indeed be content and invigorated, even in the midst of struggle and lack because of the anointing of Christ who loves  and cares for us. 

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
June 24, 2016.

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