Perhaps that last sentence seems off? For one thing, there's no catchy alliteration. And Sunday is worship day, not Monday. Monday is time to get back to the grind. It's time to leave the courts we entered into with praise yesterday and return to the fields and the stores and the to-do lists and the things of earth. Right? Wrong.
We tend to treat worship like a weekly chore that gets checked off once, maybe twice, a week. I do my worship on Sunday, and Wednesdays if I'm not too tired, too busy, or something else doesn't come up. Well, I think anyone who thought something similar to that meant they go to church on Sunday. And I hope if you go to church on Sundays, and maybe even Wednesday, that you are worshiping while you are there. If not, there's not a lot of point in going.
But I said worship. I didn't say going to church, and I would add that if we're not worshiping on Monday, that we might want to question the depth and sincerity of our worship on Sunday. Worship is more than the music before the preacher gets going. Worship may or may not have anything to do with music. It is our loving response of adoration and wonder and reverence upon meditation and a glimpse of understanding of who God is, His nature and how much He loves us. It is remembering Him and that we are His and the how and why of that relationship. It's giving Him all of us, especially our love and our will. We worship with our lives, and it's not a once or twice a week occurrence.
I know it can be easy to get distracted by the responsibilities and cares of this life, but let us remember that this life is not the end all or be all. There is more to life than this, and it's found in our relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of life. There are things we need to do, but as we go about our day, as we work, go grocery shopping, clean house or play in the park whatever we have going on, we can do it and go through it with an awareness of His presence and love for us. We can worship as we work and as we play. Our heart remembers that we are His and He is with us, it responds to His presence and love with our surrender and love, and we go through the day in communication with and being guided and powered by the Spirit, so that we can act and react as we should in a way that loves God and gives Him glory and that loves others and lays down our life. Love is worship.
So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.
-Romans 12:1 GNT
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