Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ June 7, 2017 ~ Get Your Meditation On

The word meditate often comes up in my writings and messages, usually paired with  its twin prayer, as in seek to improve our conscious contact with God and awareness of His presence. I've heard it said, and repeated it myself, that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening. I'm not totally agreeing with that idea these days.

I don't think that the idea that prayer is talking and meditating is listening is wrong and should be avoided. I think it's a good place to start and a simple way to look at it. But my concept and understanding of meditation has grown and developed. I also realized that I don't treat my communication and conversation with my wife that way. Why should I do so with Daddy? I don't say such and such is talking to my wife while such and such is listening to her. In fact, I would seriously like to think that if I said I was talking to or speaking with my wife yesterday that it would be understood that I was listening to her as well. It's called conversation. We speak and we listen.

Prayer is conversation with God. Sometimes I talk and He listens. Sometimes He talks, and I listen.. Sometimes He talks and I am not really listening because I'm too distracted by other things outside our conversation or I am more concerned with what I plan to or want to say next. That last one doesn't sound so good does it? But it's honest. I'm not always a good conversationalist with people or God, because sometimes I'm selfish and self-centered, even in conversation.

Mediation is different. Meditation can be prayer, but it doesn't have to be. And I realize that when we start talking about meditation as a stand alone thing and don't refer to it as a part of prayer and meditation that people get uncomfortable and nervous, especially some church folk. Meditation has gotten a bad rap and associated with some people and practices that are out there and strange. But the truth is we, followers of Jesus, are told to meditate. As a matter of fact the idea of focusing our hearts and minds on the God, His word, truth, virtue, what is right, etc., to think on, to actually direct our thoughts to and keep them on who He is, is mentioned over 200 times in scripture.

That's right. Over 200 times we are told that meditation is important and deepens our relationship with Daddy, strengthens us and gives us peace and joy, and helps us to commune with the Holy Spirit, to learn and understand more about who God is, His love for us, and what He is like.

Mediation is more than crossing legs and getting still and quiet, although that's not excluded. It's about the mind, or rather what we are doing with the mind. It's focusing our attention,  it's directing our thoughts or eliminating and quieting certain thoughts or thinking so that we have quietness within and can hear, it calms us by getting us centered and settled on the truth of God over what our emotions, senses, situations and circumstances are telling us. And yes, it can be a form of or a part of prayer, but it isn't necessarily so.

Much of my day, Leah is on my mind. This is a regular occurrence. I will think about her, pray for  her, remember things that I want to tell her or think about conversations we've had. Sometimes I just think about my gratitude for her and how amazing, wonderful and beautiful she is. I think about my pleasure to be with her and my desire to be with her. My point is that there are times each and every day when I am thinking about, focusing on, directing my thoughts on my wife, our relationship, the nature of who she is, etc. Sometimes that is a part of conversation and communication. When we are talking, for example, it makes for a much better conversation if my mind is on her and not on other things out there somewhere. Sometimes it's a part of closeness. When she's resting her head on my chest while we watch TV, for example, my mind is on the show, but it's also very aware of our closeness and sharing the experience. I'm not alone. But other times she's not around and we're not talking. I'm doing chores or doing nothing or whatever, and my mind is on her. It strengthens and adds to our time when we are together again or are talking together, because awareness of my love for her and our relationship is a part of my entire day, not just when I am in her presence or actively communicating with her.

And it could be said that I spend a lot of time meditating on my wife and our relationship. Meditating on Daddy, our relationship with Him and the things that draw us deeper and closer is a lot like that. Sometimes we can set aside a time and place to actively stop, and direct our thoughts to Him. Or just to get quiet and aware that He is with us. I like to think of that somewhat like Leah laying her head on my chest. Sometimes I don't think about anything, but just get still and quiet and slip into the now and that Daddy is with me as I listen to that songbird or watch the wind whip the leaves around or whatever. Sometimes meditation can center us on His nature and truths, because when we begin to be  overwhelmed we can run to the relationship that overrides everything else.

One form of mediation is to take a description of God or a song or verse or something that speaks of His love and nature and explore that. One example of this aspect that helps me is due to my geekdom and love of Star Trek.  When I am afraid, overwhelmed or feel my situation and circumstances are going to be the end of me, I mediate on the truth that He is my strength and shield. I can picture the Holy Spirit enveloping me and protecting me like a shield on a space ship. Whatever is shooting at me might do a little damage, but it can't destroy me because it can't get through the shields. It may not even be allowed to do any damage at all. I can see the Spirit glowing between me and everything and that's what gives me the strength to fly through the asteroids of life, because if one slams into me, I won't be destroyed or knocked off course. As I picture this, imagine it in my mind, I find myself less afraid and calm.

But it can also be a part of prayer as I focus on a characteristic, a word or a truth associated with Daddy as I speak to Him, as I get quiet and listen to Him, as I just chill with Him and feel the wonder of who He is, of His love for me, and how grateful I am for our relationship. Mediation is not something to be feared. It's about relationship, because it's about centering our spirit and mind on who He is, and on who He says we are, and who we are because of Him and what it is to be in relationship with Him....and yes, it's listening so that He has the chance to express His love to us, soothe our spirits and hearts, calm and quiet our minds and lead us through the asteroid belt.  

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