Thursday, June 29, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ June 29, 2017 ~ The Power Of Song

I didn't want to get up this morning. I don't feel well, and the longer I delayed rising and shining, the more overwhelmed I began to feel. This morning I relate all too well with some of the characters in the book I am sharing with Leah, We Are Legion (We Are Bob #1), as my To Do list gets longer and longer. Trying to prioritize what needs to be done and when is sometimes difficult as it becomes more and more apparent that there is no way  to get it all done.

Being overwhelmed can be paralyzing, which only puts us further behind and under even more pressure. It is helpful to hang onto the idea of first things first. Don't worry about everything, just start doing what needs to be done first, now, and trust God that what must be accomplished will be as long as we work to do what we can. It is even more helpful to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to do the prioritizing. Sometimes what I think simply must be done now can actually wait and isn't as critical as my feelings tell me.

Of course it isn't always the looming To Do lists that cause us to be overwhelmed. There are so many things, situations, emotions, and thoughts that can become weights that are too much for us to bear and slow or stop our progress. I felt this morning I should share a practical application of my experience, strength and hope.  When I am overwhelmed, lacking motivation, afraid, confused, and even when the good in my life and the day becomes greater than my words can express adequate gratitude for, when my mind can't sync up with or express my heart easily, whether because of good or ill, music is the blessing that pushes and pulls me back onto the path and harmonizes every aspect of my mind, body, heart and soul.

Of course nothing works the same for everyone, and what helps me tremendously may not be what you, Dear Reader, can use. Still there is something universal about the power of song and the ability of music to effect us at the deepest levels. Music can be a translator for our hearts and souls when words alone fall short. Music can soothe, encourage, mollify, motivate, and bring us to a place where there is union and agreement between the heart and the mind.

When King Saul felt vexed and perplexed he would call for David to play for him, and as the shepherd boy played the king's soul was quieted. The gratitude to God for the miraculous protection and victories of the ancient Hebrews often came in the form of song, such as the Song of the Sea (I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider are thrown into the sea, sung after the parting of the Red Sea) and the song of Deborah after her victory in battle. The Psalms we turn to for wisdom, comfort and inspiration so often were all songs, and it should be noted that many are songs of lament.

We would do well to make the most of the gift of music. God made it possible for music to help us in so many ways, with memory of ideas and feelings, with passing through our walls and defenses to change and amplify and express our emotions and the thoughts that are just beyond the grasp of our mind. Music can lift us up and bring us low. Carry us through and keep us in the moment to process or help us let go and move on.  Our spirit can even make its own music. We can express with words and a tune, or even with no words the groaning of our soul, our prayers, our praises and our reactions to the swirling tides of thoughts and feelings. We are told to sing to the Lord a new song, and God made each soul with a unique song to sing. Our lives can be a glorious symphony in the ears of our Creator.

Today, at this moment, as it usually is as I write the Unshackled Moments, prepare for sermons or spend time in prayer, there is music playing. Perhaps the power of song can help you today as well as you go about your day loving God and loving others and tackling the To Do list. The music that helps and effects and ministers to each of us may be totally different, and that's OK because there are so many different genres and styles that we can all find something to suit us. But I will close with a song that blessed me this morning, a classic from the band U2.

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