Saturday, October 10, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ October 10 ~ Load Shifts

Yesterday my boss drove one truck, and I drove another up to the Palestine area to pick up a load of equipment. We managed to load 10 mowers and more on the trailer he hauled and my trailer was pretty full as well. While he took care of the paperwork, I chained everything down. About halfway home I noticed the mower on the back of his trailer shift after Eddie hit a bump. A few more miles and countless more bumps and the shift became a slide.
I felt a little sick at my stomach as I called Eddie and told him to stop so that we could check the load. But when we stopped, the mower felt secure. The chain had done its job, and it wasn't going any further. We drove the rest of the way back to the shop, and it all rode fine. We didn't lose a thing. It looked scary and ugly and dangerous, but the truth was that it was secure.

Despite the way things looked, once we both saw and felt the tautness of the chain, we knew it would ride. We had faith in the chain. Sometimes our life can feel a lot like this load of equipment looks, crazy out of control and on the verge of disaster. And there's no doubt that we pile things into our lives and others add to the load in such a way that from time to time things shift and slide as the bumps on the road of life are hit. But we can have faith in our Daddy. He is stronger and more faithful than any chain. He is our security and our protection. It may seem sometimes like he came undone or broke when things start to slide. But that is our perception more than an accurate view of things from an eternal aspect. He is faithful and able, and even when it looks like  it's all falling, He's got it. We can trust Him.

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