Sunday, October 4, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ October 4 ~ Missing The Kick

Last Sunday Randy Bullock was a professional football player. He kicked extra points for the Houston Texans. This week he lost his job. The past two seasons he made 66 extra points out of 66 attempts, a perfect record. This year he missed two. The second miss came Sunday, and even though the Texans won the game, Bullock lost his job.

Sometimes life feels this way. We're cruising along with a perfect record, then something changes (like distance being added to the extra point kick). Then we make a mistake or two, maybe a mistake that doesn't even cost the game, and suddenly it seems like everyone is against us and we're losing everything we've worked for. Praise God that it doesn't work that way with Him, regardless of how it may feel. God is the original make things right King. He's all about second and hundredth chances and restoration. Grace says where we're weak He will be the strength we need rather than firing us for not being perfect. So, when it feels like no matter how hard we try we can't be perfect, don't be afraid of being cut from the team. Just ask the coach for help. His grace is sufficient when the kick is too much for us to make on our own.

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