Saturday, October 3, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ October 3 ~ Deeper Than Desperation

Desperate people pray. When people become desperate and or afraid they pray. They cry out to God for help, even when they are not sure if there is a God. A significant percentage of professed atheists admit to praying on a regular basis. The prayers of the desperate are sometimes referred to as 911 calls. They are the most simple prayers. God help.

People are not fond of being called on in this way. We quickly become tired of annoyed with people who only seem to try to contact us when they are in need. But God's ways are not our ways, and  He hears us when we call. He never looks at the caller Id thinking "I wonder what they need now?" before letting that call go to voice mail. He is generous with His attention and  quick to respond when we reach out to Him, even in doubt and desperation.

Many a spiritual journey has begun from such a place of desperation. God doesn't hold it against us that we may have only sought Him, relationship with Him and His aid when all else failed and we reached the end of our rope. So we need not fear His rejection if we continue to come to Him with our needs and fears. But if we want to be fully satisfied and content in our lives, we need to go beyond the prayers of desperation.

The truth is that life begins in the presence of the Creator. To have a life worth living we need to seek and stay in the place of relationship with our Heavenly Daddy. It may seem like a restriction or a burden at first, but true freedom comes from joining our spirit with His and tethering ourselves to Him. Today let us spend time in the awareness of who He is and our relationship with Him that goes deeper than the difficulties of the day.

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