Monday, October 12, 2015

Unshackled Moments ! October 12 ~ Trivial Pursuit

In a continuation of the frustration with my laptop's computer power problems I experienced a wonderful reminder of Daddy's love. I was trying to half watch and mostly listen to a live streaming football game as I worked on our washing machine. But I had allowed the battery to run very low, and this is when it seems to have the most problems once it's plugged back in. I was having to unplug the cord from the computer and plug it back in every ten to fifteen seconds. I couldn't step away from it. This went on for several minutes, and I became quite frustrated. After one of these unplugged/plug in attempts I cried out a desperate prayer. It consisted of two words, "Father please."

As soon as I said it, I felt silly as the enemy and my mind teamed up to tell me I shouldn't be praying to get to listen to a football game. God doesn't care about football I heard in my head. There are far more pressing and important issues in the world than whether or not I can stream a game. But something within my spirit spoke up and disagreed. Football may not be important to God, but I am important to my Daddy. He cares for me. Is listening to a game seriously important? No. But it mattered to me, and Daddy cares about me. If my earthly father had been there and had the power to make the computer work I wouldn't have hesitated to ask him to make it work. No, Daddy cares about us and even the trivial things that matter to us.

I stepped away from the computer and back to the washing machine feeling grateful for the reminder that Daddy loves me, regardless of what happened with the computer. But I received confirmation that what I had heard in my spirit had been truth. The power worked, the computer charged, and I had no more problems with it for the rest of that time.

We need to remember what Jesus said. We have not because we ask not. Our Daddy cares for us and will not give us stones when we ask for bread. Sure there will be times when these prayers are not answered as we wish. The car still won't start. Every light on the way to work will turn red before we reach it. The cable ill not work. We have to remember to stay grateful for His love, even when we don't get what we want, but that said, we can't live as though there are some things not important enough to take to our Daddy and ask for help. He cares for us. Ask. He cares about what we care about, even the little trivial things.

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