Thursday, August 10, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ August 10, 2017 ~ God With Us

One of the most important aspects of walking in freedom comes from practicing Step 11, seeking to improve our conscious contact with Daddy. It's not that He is not always present and with us, but the awareness of His presence must be sought, cultivated and embraced. It must be remembered.

It's easy to get caught up in all that is going on in and around us and forget that God is with us. When that happens we can slip slowly back into self without even realizing it, and when that happens we can become vulnerable to fear. Right up there with Fear not and Love, one of the most frequent commands in scripture is Remember. Daddy understands our short attention span and how quickly and easily we forget. So He reminds us in His word that He loves us and is with us, and tells us to remember.

It can help more than we may realize to remind ourselves of the truths of God. What a great way to start the day, remembering that we are not alone and Daddy loves us and is with us. When we are tempted we can react by remembering and reminding ourselves that He is our refuge and strength and has provided a way of escape. When we are angry or afraid we can remember that He is a God of restoration, refuge, and comfort. You get the idea, When we feel alone, when things come up within or without that feel so overwhelming, we will turn to Him instead of running from Him if we remind ourselves of who He is and that He is with us.

God will fill whatever space we allow Him and give Him in our awareness, day and lives. Proverbs 8 promises that those who love and seek God will find Him. He's not hard to find. He wants to be a part of our lives. He desires us to have conscious contact with Him as much as we need that conscious contact ourselves. If we turn to Him, if we remind ourselves of that relationship and of His presence, the awareness of it will expand to occupy our lives and change the way we go through our day.

Our lives have become more connected in some ways than ever before. A hundred years ago phones were only in some homes and had no answering machines. In my lifetime to connect with someone on the phone chained you to a wall, and how far you could wander was limited to the length of a chord. Today, I carry my phone with me wherever I go, and it's not only a phone but a computer connecting me to the internet and information and to near instant and constant contact with others via social media. Many times a day I get notifications about the thoughts, activities and locations of friends and family. I can text a quick I love you to my wife to remind her I am thinking of her as we both go through our day. How awesome would it be if we glanced inward as often in a day as we glance at our phone?

Daddy, I'm glad you love me. Daddy, I know you are with me. Daddy, I acknowledge your presence with me and our relationship. Daddy I want you to know that I am thinking about you and about us and about what you mean to me.

The more we embrace and cultivate that awareness of relationship with and the presence of God in our day, the more we remember who He is, His love for us, and who we are with, in and through Him. The more we remember that He is with us, that He is a part of our day, the easier it is to walk in the power of His grace to love, to quickly turn to Him in times of need and that we do not have to be afraid. I challenge myself and you, Dear Reader, to make an effort to remember and acknowledge His presence with us today. How about if every time we glance at or receive a reminder of social media we also look at or shoot a quick greeting, praise or love message to Daddy? How much more would He be on our minds today? How much more awareness of Him would fill the empty spaces in our lives? How much would we improve our conscious contact?

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