Monday, August 7, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ August 7, 2017 ~ A Good Day Includes More

Coffee is the gasoline of Life.

I saw this line on a T-shirt, and I am sure it comes as no surprise to those who know me that I like it. I know I like it more than the one that says I need a little coffee and a whole lot af Jesus. A little coffee is an evil thing. I did recently see a shirt that says I need a whole lotta coffee and a whole lotta Jesus. That one's better and a lot more accurate. Still, I can't help going back and thinking about coffee being the gasoline of life though.

I love coffee. I drink about 50 ounces a day... minimum. It probably won't surprise anyone that one of my early favorite words as a toddler was more. In that case it was more roni because evidently my parents couldn't make enough macaroni and cheese. This morning, and most mornings, it's become more coffee.  From time to time I substitute a 2 liter bottle of Mt/ Dew for the coffee, but I don't like to consume that much sugar often, and diet drinks are an  abomination. The funny thing is that I didn't really even drink coffee before prison. So before coffee there were other mores. More drink, more drug, more anything that distracted me, changed the way I felt, helped me feel better or less. More. I've lived based on a philosophy of more and again. If it might be fun or make you happy, try it. If it does do it again and again, more, more more.

Most times in recovery people talk and think about change. I'm without question different and not the person I used to be. A lot of changes have taken place. But some things haven't changed a bit. I am still someone who want more. One popsicle will only tick me off. What most people call a single cup of coffee isn't worth my energy to pick up. More time with Leah is still not enough. More of Jesus and less of me, so that by His power I can be full of life, love and freedom. That last one is the most important more I need.

See, there is another thing that hasn't changed. I still do everything thing I can to change the way I feel, to escape the misery of the bad and enhance the good. I still hate reality as experienced through the filter of my unaltered mind. I just found a better way to alter my mind, my spirit, and everything. I found a way to bring contentment where all I ever felt before was lack, need and discontent. So now I don't need to kill myself more, but I still want more... more serenity, more love, more joy, more life worth living. And all of that is found in more of Jesus, in more relationship with Daddy, and in more unhindered contact with the Holy Spirit.

Coffee may be the gasoline of life, but Jesus is what makes life worth living. He is the more that makes it possible to love and walk free from the mores that really only give you less... less love, less life, less hope, less joy, less peace and less reason to go on. From time to time I see #agooddayincludes with something about coffee come across my Twitter feed. I totally agree. A good day does include coffee. And like any other junkie, I believe a good day includes more. So today, I wish you, Dear Reader, the blessing of more,...more love, more power, more freedom, more peace, more joy, more smiles, more comfort....oh this list can go on and on and on, but it can also be summed up with more Jesus. A good day includes more awareness of the presence of Jesus in our lives, and more awareness of Daddy's great love for us, and all the results of more relationship with the Spirit. So if I ever wish you a good day, just know that I am wishing for you to have more. More relationship with the God who loves you. And more coffee of course.

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