Friday, October 12, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ October 12, 2018 ~ Learning From A Toddler

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 7, 2015.

This afternoon my wife and I were blessed to be able to lunch with her two adult children and our grandson. The food was sub par, but the company rocked, especially my grandson, Baiden. Baiden is almost two years old now and a true joy to have around. He sat in a high chair at the end of our table. Time and time again as people walked by, Baiden would smile, wave and say hi. No one even glanced his way or acknowledged him, but Baiden was not deterred. He would do it again as they came back by on their return trip from the restroom, or he would eagerly try the next person. No one responded, or paid him any attention, but he kept right on smiling and greeting. Finally one man said hi back, and Baiden engaged in a back and forth of smiles and salutations until we left the restaurant.

Jesus said if we want to be His we need to come as little children. I know this is not exactly what He meant, but I think it's part of it. Baiden loved on everyone that came near. Their response or lack of it didn't effect him or change his behavior one bit. The next time he saw them he tried again.
The next person that came by got the same attention and love no matter how many times he'd already been ignored. Oh that we could be that childlike, to meet and greet each person with smiles and love, and if they ignore us, just keep loving, keep waving, keep smiling, keeping treating each person that we run into or that comes our way as though we are happy to see them and want to interact with them. That's how Jesus was, That's how children are. That's how we can be when we are filled with the love of the Spirit.

Lord, help me to welcome and love as You do, as Baiden did. Let me not be discouraged  by apparent lack of response or negative responses. Let me love at every opportunity. Amen.

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