Saturday, October 20, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ October 20,2018 ~ Jesus Wants You Dead

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 10, 2015.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
Matthew 36:34-25

Some folks will tell you that Jesus wants us to be rich and happy, to be free from trouble, heartache and want. But Jesus wants us dead. That's right. Jesus wants you dead. Yes, He also wants you to prosper, but if He gives life that the world doesn't give, where on earth did we get the idea that He wants us to prosper as the world prospers. It's the world's idea that to prosper means to want for nothing because you have all you want. It's not about what you want. It's about what He wants for us. What Jesus wants for us is so much more satisfying and fulfilling and yes, prosperous than the wealth and fame and power that we could imagine for ourselves.

God doesn't want to give us gold and influence and glory except in ways that will be of service to others and brig him glory. But He does want to give us peace, joy and love. Real peace that doesn't make sense and can't be taken away. Real joy that doesn't depend on our circumstances. Real love that isn't fickle and doesn't fade away, the kind of love we claim we would die for. Well, that's the price. We die. We die to our selves, our selfish desires, our me first attitude, our what's in it for me motivation. We become new creatures with a new life and a new spirit. We give up our life and get a better one. But you don't get the new life without the old life dying.

Lord I surrender to who You are, and I declare that You are Lord and God, King of my life. Help me to put to death my old nature, my selfishness, my desire to have my way, today. Let me say as Jesus did, not my will be Yours be done in every situation I face today. Thank You for Your great love and desire to give me life that is rich and full and satisfying, and help me to remember that Your gifts are not temporary as the world gives and seeks.

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