Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ October 17, 2018 ~ Healthy Dependence

In our society we place a high value on independence. So much so that needing someone, being dependent is considered unhealthy and weak. It is dangerous to be totally dependent on someone else. What happens if something happens to them? What if they betray you or let you down? If you are totally dependent on a relationship and that relationship fails, how will you make it? And these concerns are valid and true when it comes to human relationships.

But when  it comes to what matters most, there  is no such thing as a spiritually healthy independent person. An independent spirituality is the one that will fail. The above concerns are no longer valid, because God will not fail us, reject us or desert us, and therefore once we become dependent on Him we will never reach a point where we have to figure out how to make it on our own. In order to be healthy spiritually we must be totally dependent on God. He is our Daddy. We are His children. Like a young child can not survive and be healthy independently but needs a caregiver, so we need God.

Since we belong to the family of God, this is also an area where we don't stand alone even in our relationship with Him. We have brothers and sisters. We were created for relationship, first with our Creator and then with one another. It's not just about marriage that God said it is not good for us to be alone. There are times when we need, and when we do, our brothers and sisters are there to encourage, comfort and help us. At other times, we are to be that help to others.

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