Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ October 30, 2018 ~ Don't Get Stuck

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 13, 2015.

We live in a hectic and fast paced world. At times even our efforts to live and walk a spiritual life can be consumed and overwhelmed by plans and routines. I will pray this long and these certain prayers, and I will read this much material daily before rushing into the responsibilities of the day, etc. It is good and important to live a disciplined life, but do not forget to leave room for the extemporaneous move of the Spirit of God in our life. Do not let the routine that we design in order to get to know God better get in the way of experiencing relationship with Him. Let us not get so busy talking to God and thinking of Him that we forget to listen to Him. Take the time to be still and quiet before God and give Him a chance to speak to us as we start our days, go through them and wrap them up. Remember that no matter how good our intentions and well designed our daily disciplines are that sometimes in order to do something extraordinary through us He will have to have us step outside our ordinary schedule.

Lord, let me remain flexible to Your schedule changes and desires and not get so set in a routine that I turn my plan of spiritual action into a man-made law that makes it impossible for You to move through me and for me as You would like. Help me to remember that most of the 613 Mitzvot laws that the Pharisees created were first made in an  attempt to honor and serve You better but became a stumbling block that prevented them from keeping the spirit of Your law and seeing You in their midst when their tradition and routine became a rigid act of self-righteousness and more important than being led by Your Spirit. Amen.

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