Monday, October 29, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ October 29, 2018 ~ Life And Death

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 12, 2015.

The moment I took my first breath, I began to die. When I take my last breath that is when I will become fully alive.
~ Leah Woodard

The above quote is from my wife, and my first response to it was, "This is so awesome and true!" Then, as I reflected on it a few moments later I realized it was deeper and more true than I had seen at first. It's easy to take a statement like this and see that we are all dying physically from the time we are born and that those who are believers will truly be well and have real life in eternity some day after we have closed our physical eyes for the last time. But there is more to it than that.

Not only did I begin to die physically from birth, but because of the curse of sin and death I began to die spiritually as well. We all did. Yes, there is a period of time when as innocent babes under the age of accountability we are blameless. But even during this time we are learning the path to death and destruction. From our earliest moments we learn that we are the center of the universe. Everything revolves around us and is about what we want. People around us coo and awe over us. They try to please us and make us smile and laugh. When we're hungry we cry and they feed us. When we need a diaper change we cry and they snap to. Life is about what we need and want and everyone else is there to serve us. Nothing matters and no one matters but us and our desires.

This is somewhat necessary behavior for a baby to survive, but as we grow, we don't escape it. Selfishness has taken root in our hearts and minds and controls our actions and reactions. Selfishness leads to death. Wanting our will over God's always results in destruction. Not because God is mean or wants to deprive us, but because in our selfishness we are blind to what is better. Then we encounter Jesus, and for those who respond to that encounter with "My Lord and My God," there is life. Relationship with God brings life rather than death. But the paradox is that in order to access that life we must die. As we die to self, we truly begin to live. So from the moment we learn to die, we learn to live. Not some day in heaven, but no, here, on earth. Even as our physical bodies are slowly but surely breaking down and heading to the grave, our spiritual bodies are growing and heading to life!

Lord, let me not wait for physical death to live in You. Let my life increase each and every day as I learn to die to self and surrender to Your will and life. Amen.

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